Storm of War is a Digital Combat Simulator server that runs historical missions. It has been in existence since 2012/13 and has been run by the current team of very dedicated people since 2015. Our thanks go to Phil and Dietrich for providing some of the best enjoyment we have had in gaming/simulation.
You can find out more about the Storm of War community here and they also run a very active Discord server that is linked from that site. If you are into WW2 warbirds then do join, and do try flying on the server. As this written, the Normandy Map and WW2 assets pack is required, as well as a warbird, and SRS is the preferred means of communications in game that will help you get so much more from your experience.
There are a number of other squads very active on Storm of War that fly alongside, or against, us. A very active group of German speakers is Stick and Rudder Friends. They are a group of people with a great interest in aviation, both real and simulated. You can find out more about them at